Are You On Tank Water?

Water Tank And Bore

Increasing studies into the quality of tank water have found some disturbing facts that challenge the notion of tank water superiority. Sure it is chemical free and, in general, tastes far better than town water, but in most cases tank water contains significant quantities of micro organisms, many of which can be very detrimental to your health.

Just as importantly to most people is taste and the fresher, more highly oxygenated water from the upper levels in your tank is noticeably better tasting.
The Waterboy Tank Water System has been developed to deliver to your taps the very best quality water from your tank. The WaterBoy is not a filter but will greatly extend the longevity of filters if they are installed.

Once fitted, our Waterboy system will work without further attention and is constructed from the finest materials available.

The Water Boy carries a 10 year guarantee but will last for many more.

Click Here to Learn More About the WaterBoy.

How Does The WaterBoy Tank Water System Work?

Water tanks store not just water. They also collect everything else from your roof (or from the stream) and provide a perfect haven for a multitude of microbes in the resulting layer of matter on the bottom of the tank.

Yet this is the layer from which water is drawn into your house.

Wouldn’t it be better to get the water from the top of the tank where it is cleaner?  That is why the Waterboy Tank Water System was developed.

WaterBoy Installed

WaterBoy Installed

Obviously drawing water from the worst zone (as illustrated in the diagram) is not desirable and the Waterboy gets the water from the best zone – at the top of your tank.

Like all good innovations it is simple and it works brilliantly. Not only does it get your water away from the zone where the bugs like to reside, it also gets you the cleanest and tastiest water in the tank! i.e. just below the surface. It tastes better because it is fresh, highly oxygenated and does not contain the debris that has settled out – material such as leaf fragments, bird or possum poo, dirt and dust that has washed off your roof.

The Waterboy automatically adjusts to the changing water level in your tank and you need never worry that it isn’t working because it always is.

Whether your water tank is plastic, concrete or wood you will see that when new water enters the tank it remains near the surface. There is very little water circulation in a tank apart from the slow removal of water from the bottom (for your use) and the replenishment at the top by rainwater (or in some cases stream or bore water fed in by gravity or a pump).

The WaterBoy uses the best quality materials available, plastics, stainless steel and sometimes brass in its construction enabling us to offer a 10 year guarantee, but providing your tank is covered (and it should be) it will last many years longer than that.

Click Here to Learn More About the WaterBoy Tank System.